Does Your United Way Chapter Support Planned Parenthood? American Family Association Points to 68 Chapters That Do

TUPELO, Miss.American Family Association (AFA, is urging its one million-plus friends and supporters to find out if their local United Way chapters fund Planned Parenthood, in the wake of the fourth revealing undercover video in a series that has brought to light the abortion giant’s barbaric practices.

AFA recently sent an Action Alert stating that United Way claims to be neutral on abortion, but some United Way chapters, by their own admission, donate to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. has compiled a list of every United Way chapter that contributes to Planned Parenthood. The group’s research has found that the most recent publicly available financial documents show 68 United Way chapters donate to Planned Parenthood—or 5.39 percent of chapters—for a total of more than $2.8 million.

“While local United Way chapters do many good things, we cannot overlook their support for the abortion Goliath—Planned Parenthood,” said AFA President Tim Wildmon. “Every dollar that a local United Way chapter gives to Planned Parenthood is one that supports the abortion mill’s agenda. Donors can’t just give to Planned Parenthood and say the donation is earmarked for utilities, staff or supplies—but not abortion. The building, staff and utilities all contribute in some way to abortion services. Any money going to Planned Parenthood in any way contributes to the more than 327,000 abortions the organization performs every year, as well as the harvesting and selling of the body parts of aborted babies.”


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