Public Records Requests

The City of Long Beach (City) is committed to transparent and open government practices. The City responds to requests for public records pursuant to the California Public Records Act (PRA), California Government Code sections 7920.000 et seq. Please click HERE for more information.

General PRA Requests

PRA requests for the City should be submitted at See below for PRA requests specifically for Police Department records.

Long Beach Police Department (LBPD) PRA Requests

PRA requests specifically for the Long Beach Police Department (LBPD), including calls for service, 911 audio, video, and California SB 1421 / AB 748-related requests should be submitted at

Long Beach City Prosecutor PRA Requests

PRA requests specifically for the City Prosecutor should be submitted at


The City is subject to California laws relating to public records. All information contained in a PRA request, including a requester's information, is considered public record and may be subject to public inspection pursuant to California Government Code Section 7920.530.

All forms of communication, including emails, phone records, and written records, sent or received by City employees or elected City officials are subject to these laws. Unless otherwise exempted from the provisions of the PRA, senders and receivers of City correspondence, including PRA requests, should presume that their information is a public record subject to release upon request.

Anonymous Requests

PRA requests can be made anonymously. However, requesters are strongly encouraged to provide at least some contact information so that City staff may communicate important information or ask questions to gain clarification about the request. By submitting anonymously, requesters will not receive updates directly from the City on their PRA request.

If a requester does not provide contact information, it is the requester’s responsibility to document and maintain the Reference Number issued when the PRA request is submitted and to periodically check the

Effective January 1, 2019, California SB 1421 amended sections of the California Penal Code which generally made all peace officer personnel records and information confidential and exempt from disclosure except by motion in a criminal, civil, or administrative action.
California SB 1421 created exceptions that allow the public to obtain peace officer and custodial officer records relating to the report, investigation, or findings of:

Effective July 1, 2019, California AB 748 amended California Government Code Section 7923.625 related to the release of video or audio recordings, which requires agencies to produce video and audio recordings of incidents involving a discharge of a firearm and any use of force by an officer or custodial officer against a person resulting in death or great bodily injury.

California SB 272 - Enterprise Systems List

In compliance with California Government Code Sections 7922.700 – 7922.725, passed via California SB 272, the City must publish a catalog of enterprise systems that collect data about the public. There are certain exceptions to this detailed in the California Government Code. An enterprise system shall not include any of the following:

City of San Jose v. Superior Court (Smith)

On March 2, 2017, a unanimous California Supreme Court ruled that written communications that primarily involve government business made by public officials on private accounts or privately-owned devices are public records under the PRA. The ruling applies to all elected officials and employees of a public agency such as the City.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can my request for a public record be seen by others?

What is the California Public Records Act (PRA)?

What is a public record?

What is the City’s public records request process?

How long does it take to process a request for records?

Does the City have to give me my records within 10 days?

How detailed should my PRA request be?

Quick Links

Ethics Helpline

Public Records Requests

City Clerk

Ethics Guide

Contact us

Ethics Commission
Heather Van Wijk, Ethics Officer
Phone: (562) 570-7443

Public Records Requests
Records Coordinator
Phone: (562) 570-6680


Meeting Time
3 pm on the second Wednesday of each month

Meeting Location
Civic Chambers, 411 W. Ocean Blvd.