You can see Sun City is a great value! This list can be found on the rec centers website at Finally you should know that Sun City is just nine miles away from Luke Air Force Base… located to the southwest. Luke is a training base for pilots and there is a lot of jet traffic surrounding the base. Here is a map of the flight patterns around the base, and here is where Sun City is….. So when you live here… you’ll see and hear the jets flying to and from Luke and you may be asked to sign an addendum that you know about the air force base when you write an offer for a home here.
So now you’re in the know about the important things here in Sun City that will come up in a home purchase… so you’ll be ready. I can’t wait to help you on your retirement home journey. If you have any questions about Sun City or home purchase here in Arizona.. please let me know… I’m here to help.
Sources: Sun City Home Owners Association website..
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